We hold meetings on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm. Membership is open to anyone interested in the future of dogs in our homes and lives. Whether you are simply a pet owner or an experienced exhibitor in AKC events, our club has a lot to offer to its members.
Club members participate in activities such as Agility, Rally, Obedience, Conformation, CAT, Fast CAT and Herding, many of which happen in June during our annual dog show.
Membership is easy! If you’re not already a club member, we hope you think about joining us!

Membership Info
Membership Types:
Individual: $15 per year Persons 18 years or older. A Regular member can vote and hold office.
Family: Two persons eighteen years of age and older who reside in the same household. They enjoy all the privileges of the Club including the right to vote and hold office.
Junior: Persons 10-17 years of age and shall be voted on by the Club membership. A Junior member cannot vote or hold office.
Associate: Person(s) who is in good standing with The American Kennel Club, and who is approved by the Club membership as deserving of the status. An Associate member has no voting rights and cannot hold office.
Application Process
1. Complete both sides of this application. If you know a current member, have them sponsor you.
2. Mail the completed application, and annual dues, to the address below, or bring the completed application, and annual dues, to a General Meeting.
3. At the first meeting you attend, the application will be read to the members
4. At the next General Meeting, there will be a second reading and vote to approve your application.
5. If your application is approved, you will be mailed or emailed the PKC Constitution, By-Laws and Standing Rules.
If you have any other questions about member, please feel free to shoot us an email.